Logo for the College of Natural Sciences Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Banner of images of diverse students

In the College of Natural Sciences, we value diversity of background as well as diversity of perspective by embracing a wide, inclusive definition of diversity, including: culture, ideas and approaches, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, geographic background, national origin, and religious and spiritual beliefs. We recognize our role as part of a broad community, and inclusive excellence requires a comprehensive approach and a long-term commitment.

With this in mind, the College embraces Colorado State University’s diversity statement and strives to adhere to its four key ideals:

  1. Broad and inclusive definition of diversity
  2. Inclusiveness and excellence are interdependent
  3. Everyone is responsible for inclusive excellence
  4. Inclusive excellence goes beyond numbers

The productivity and impact of the College is at its best when we operate with a spirit of respect, understanding, and inclusion. We strive each day to fulfill these ideals.

Introducing Inclusive Teaching in STEM Classrooms

As part of the CSU community, we are committed to inclusion, integrity, respect, service, social justice, and engagement. This Diversity and Inclusion Value Equity (D.I.V.E.) project will create an inclusive science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) pedagogy program by incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) activities into the classroom in the College of Natural Sciences. As various courses in the College are service courses for STEM majors, many students would be exposed to DEI activities with this D.I.V.E. program.

10 Years of Inclusive Excellence

Introducing the College of Natural Sciences Inclusive Excellence: 2012 –2022 Accreditation Report. Broken down into 4 sections – Personnel, Curriculum, Engagement, and Outreach – this accreditation report spans 10 years of inclusive excellence within the College of Natural Sciences.

DEIJ in STEM Ideas in Action Workshop Series

The CNS Dean’s Advisory Committee for Inclusive Excellence/DEIJ invited the departmental DEIJ committee to share their DEIJ initiatives with the college community in the DEIJ in STEM Ideas for Action series during Spring 2023. That semester, the committee was interested in promoting these programs to the larger college community to showcase best practices for DEIJ. This program will continue into Fall 2023. Below are some of the events showcased in Spring 2023.

College Executive Council (CEC) DEI Statement of Commitment

As the leadership team of the College of Natural Sciences, we know that science is shaped by the people who study it, and therefore, we are committed to building an equitable community and inclusive culture that encourages, supports, and celebrates diversity. We pledge to uphold the University’s five Principles of Community: inclusion, integrity, respect, service, and social justice. We are committed to identifying and removing barriers to provide equitable access to research, learning, and engagement. We will consciously promote acceptance and demonstrate respect, actively listen, and learn, center equity in the development of new programs and initiatives and celebrate differences among all the people in our community.

  • Dean’s Faculty & Staff Success Program
    • Funded DEI proposals to Chemistry, Mathematics, Psychology, and Statistics
  • Spring 2022 Mini Grants for CNS Climate Grants
$ 0 for 2 years
Undergraduate Research for Underrepresented Students
$ 0 for 2 years
Graduate Student Recruitment
College of Natural Sciences DEI Department Committee Members

















News Feed

Research shows how artificial intelligence can help groups stay effective in classroom, beyond

Researchers at Colorado State University have developed a model that could enable an artificially intelligent agent to monitor and even potentially referee interactions to encourage better collaboration

Neuroscience research leverages stem cells to understand how neurons connect, communicate in the brain

Newly published research from Colorado State University answers fundamental questions about cellular connectivity in the brain that could be useful in the development of treatments for neurological diseases like autism, epilepsy or schizophrenia.

Chemistry researchers showcase new method to aid in pharma, agrochemical compound development

Researchers at Colorado State University have published findings in Nature that could be useful to speed the development of new pharmaceuticals and pesticides.

CSU researchers contribute to global study of soil carbon levels, climate change

Report shows the amount of carbon in soil may be under-accounted for in global climate models.


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