Introducing Diversity in Statistics

Diversity in Statistics is meant to provide a method for interjecting diversity easily into your classroom. Representation matters, so introducing a diverse statistician at the beginning of each class or chapter can not only heighten visibility, but hopefully provide powerful role models for students of diverse backgrounds. Check out what CSU’s Statistics Department is currently doing in support of this mission.

Statistics Resources​

*Bold = specific to diversity

General Statistics Concentration

Name Mission Website
Caucus for Women in Statistics (@cwstat) / TwitterCaucus for Women in Statistics Supporting an inclusive statistics and data science community Caucus for Women in Statistics – Supporting an Inclusive Statistics and Data Science Community (
ASA's New Look | Amstat NewsAmerican Statistical Association Promoting the practice and and profession of statistics American Statistical Association (
Statistics Book Club Read and analyze books about statistics with an emphasis on DEI in statistics CSU Statistics book club (
SWB | Pro bono Statistical AnalysisStatistics Without Borders Volunteer organization that provides pro bono statistics services SWB | Pro bono Statistical Analysis (