Student Organizations
Student Organizations
Join in! Pursue your interests and passions outside of the classroom. Meet new people, find new connections, make a difference.
Alpha Sigma Kappa – Women in Technical Studies at CSU is a social sorority of women committed to achieving our academic goals and promoting women in technical fields, through leadership, friendship, and support. Our purpose is to promote friendship, academic achievement, unity within the organization, and philanthropy throughout the community. We are also open to non-binary students in STEM.
If you are a woman at CSU majoring in a STEM major and are interested joining in a supportive group of women pursuing degrees in similar hard sciences, drop by one of our meetings or events to check us out!
Chapter Meetings will be held Monday evenings at 7:00 pm and are open to anyone interested in ASK.
If interested, feel free to contact us:
President: Kyla Heley, president.asktheta@gmail.com
Vice President: Sarah Denison, vp.asktheta@gmail.com
Recruitment: Mari Lake, recruit.asktheta@gmail.com
or complete this interest form
AISES is a national, non-profit organization which nurtures building of community by bridging science and technology with traditional Native values. Through its educational programs, AISES provides opportunities for American Indians and Native Alaskans to pursue studies in science, engineering, business and other academic arenas. The trained professionals then become technologically informed leaders within the Indian community. AISES’ ultimate goal is to be a catalyst for the advancement of American Indians and Native Alaskans as they seek to become self-reliant and self-determined members of society.
Meetings will be held at 5 PM on Tuesdays in the NACC
Contact: csuaises@gmail.com or use this link
Amplify is a residential learning community at CSU made up of around 340 students who all have majors in the College of Natural Sciences. Through living with fellow science majors, students can study, connect, and make friendships with folks who are in their same first year classes and will be in the same major coursework throughout their undergrad.
Contact: Allexandra Keller or complete this form
The Association for Computing Machinery is a club dedicated to the pursuit of computing knowledge. Our purpose is to facilitate the learning of the computing industry while establishing networking opportunities for our students.
Contact: Ben Say or acm-officers@cs.colostate.edu
The Association for Computing Machinery – Women (ACM-W) is a subset of ACM that focuses on community building and expanding diversity at CSU.
Our mission is to support, celebrate, and advocate internationally for the full engagement of women in all aspects of the computing field, provide a wide range of programs and services to ACM members and work in the larger community to advance the contributions of technical women.
Contact: Albert Lionelle
The Biochemistry Student Association is a student run organization that aims to enhance the experience of the biochemistry undergraduate student and promote social and academic growth. Some of the ways in which that is accomplished is through one-on-one conversations with some of the top researchers on campus, social events like hikes and game nights, and community service projects. The BCSA is one way in which students can connect on a deeper level to the STEM community on campus and engage with their coursework in a more fun and personalized way. The BCSA is geared towards members of the Biochemistry Major but is open to all students who wish to participate.
Contact: bcsa.csu@gmail.com
The Biology Club‘s goal is to create a diverse and interactive group of people that have an interest in any area of the biological sciences. We offer numerous club activities, volunteering, and having guest speakers of various backgrounds talk about their work. Biology Club is open to members of all majors with interests in biological science!
Contact: Abbie Reade
The Natural Sciences College Council is a student organization composed of representatives from each academic department in the College of Natural Sciences and senators from ASCSU. The representatives are undergraduate students who have either been selected or volunteered from their respective department to promote activities within the College.
The Council advises the Dean’s office by offering opinions to new policies and procedures. The Council also spends the student technology fee each year on projects aimed to benefit undergraduate classrooms, labs, and computer workrooms.
Interested in the Council? Contact the Council for more information.
Contact: cnscollegecouncil@gmail.com
Chemistry Club at Colorado State University is an American Chemical Society student chapter dedicated to teaching people of all ages about science and making chemistry a little more loveable. We work with the CSU Chemistry Department to provide both hands-on and hands-off demonstrations for all school-age groups to expand our outreach efforts throughout the Fort Collins community.
Typical yearly activities include but are not limited to: outreach shows to local schools, a growing Halloween outreach event, hosting an end-of-year BBQ to show appreciation for chemistry students and staff, promoting safety by selling safety goggle to chemistry lab students, and fantastic demonstrations during each bi-monthly meeting.
We meet every other week on Tuesdays from 6:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. in Yates 406. The dates of meetings will be updated periodically through email & our social media pages.
Contact: chemclubcsu@gmail.com
Hashdump‘s goal is to increase awareness of physical, social, and electronic security. Our club participates in various security competitions, hosts demos and workshops, and invites speakers to come and share some of their real world experiences. All majors are welcome to join and participate.
Meetings are on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:30pm in CSB 130.
Contact: Amani Altarawneh or connect over Discord
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics is a national GLBTQ2A-affirming organization that aims to provide services and support for students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and to create a dynamic network between students and professionals in industry and academia.
oSTEM empowers LGBTQ people in STEM to succeed personally, academically, and professionally by cultivating environments and communities that nurture innovation, leadership, and advocacy. As a chapter of the national organization, we will uphold and continue its mission.
Meets every Tuesday at 6:30 PM in 131 Piñon Hall of Laurel Village.
Contact: CSUOSTEM@gmail.com
Psi Chi is the National Honor Society in psychology. Our Psi Chi chapter provides you with the opportunity to get connected with others who are interested in psychology through meetings and volunteer opportunities. Members get to learn more about psychology through graduate students, faculty, and renowned psychologists. You can join Psi Chi if you meet certain standards required by Psi Chi and the Association of College Honor Societies (a governing body for college honor societies).
PSA stands for the Psychology Student Alliance. It is a student-lead organization that partners with Psi Chi to host monthly meetings, service events, and social events for students interested in psychology. Undergraduates of any year and any major are welcome to join.
Contact: Karla Gingerich, Sam Sickbert or apply online
SACNAS Student Organization is a local chapter of an inclusive, multicultural and multidisciplinary national organization dedicated to promoting diversity and excellence in science. We support minority students on campus by providing opportunities for professional and leadership development, community outreach, educational support, and training for careers in science technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
We aspire to be more than just a student organization! We aspire to host a space where all members of our community may come to have their voices heard!
See the schedule for general meetings here
Contact: Shane Kanatous or email SACNAS
Society of Physics Students (SPS) is an all-inclusive club that seeks to bolster a community amongst students at Colorado State University who are interested in the field of Physics. We try to center our chapter around academic involvement presented in a fun and meaningful manner.
Stay in the loop with the latest information by joining our mailing list. Email us at colostatesps@gmail.com to receive up-to-date news and updates.
Contact: colostatesps@gmail.com
Stat Alliance is a student-led club welcome to all students with any level of interest or skill in statistics.
Through meetings and outside activities, you will be able to socialize and build bonds with students that share your interests. Our meetings include hearing from guest speakers in the field of statistics, introducing and making connections with faculty and graduate students in the department, social events such as hikes and game/movie nights, programming tutorials, and much more!
Contact: An officer or csustatalliance@gmail.com
The Fourth Paradigm (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Club)
U’nSTEMM has created a mission to provide equitable resources, representation, and social acclimation for marginalized, underrepresented, limited income, and first-generation 1st year students. We believe it is important for students of all backgrounds to have the knowledge and tools to attain their undergraduate and career goals. Many students who are in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, math, AND medicine) disciplines and hold these identities, do not see other students who share similar identities. U’nSTEMM is creating a space where marginalized, underrepresented, limited income, and first-generation STEMM students can come together!
Contact: Jocelyn Lapham
Upsilon Pi Epsilon is an honor society for the Computing Sciences. It was founded in 1967 to recognize scholarship and professionalism and is the only international honor society for this discipline. It is officially recognized by ACM as well as IEEE Computer Society.
Contact: Sudipto Ghosh
Women in Physics is an undergraduate student group at CSU that works to encourage more women to get involved in physics. You don’t have to be a woman to be involved, you just have to support women in the sciences.
Contact: Kristen Buchanan
The Colorado State University Zoology Club is dedicated to helping CSU students explore the exciting field of Zoology and all that it has to offer.
The Zoology Club is designed to unite CSU students and staff who are interested in the field of zoology. We provide zoological education, field trips, volunteering opportunities and social gatherings. Zoology Club allows students to take time to appreciate organisms, from extant or extinct taxa, that they have been learning about by experiencing them up close and personally or by learning directly from professionals in the zoological field.
All of our meetings will take place every other Monday from 6:00-7:00 pm on the dates listed above in BIO 136.
Contact: Abbie Reade or csuzoologyclub@gmail.com
Volunteer Opportunities
Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM) – contact Carlos Olivo
Little Shop of Physics
Education and Outreach Center – contact Courtney Butler