Committees & Councils
College Executive Committee
- Simon Tavener, Interim Dean, Chair
- Santiago Di Pietro, Associate Dean for Research
- Lisa Dysleski, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
- Laurie Stargell, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Debbie Garrity, Biology
- Matt Shores, Chemistry
- Craig Partridge, Computer Science
- Alexander Hulpke, Mathematics
- Jake Roberts, Physics
- Don Rojas, Psychology
- Haonan Wang, Statistics
Undergraduate Committee
- Lisa Dysleski, committee chair
- Jefferey Hansen, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
- Joe von Fischer, Biology, von_Fischer@ColoState.EDU
- Alan Kennan, Chemistry, Kennan@ColoState.EDU
- Albert Lionelle, Computer Science, Albert.Lionelle@ColoState.EDU
- Patrick Shipman, Mathematics,
- Martin Gelfand, Physics, Gelfand@ColoState.EDU
- Tracy Richards, Psychology, Richards@ColoState.EDU
- Piotr Kokoszka, Statistics, Piotr.Kokoszka@ColoState.EDU
Sabbatical Leave Committee
- Chuck Anderson, Computer Science, Chair
- Joe von Fischer, Biology
- Paul Laybourn, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Gwen Fisher, Psychology
Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Committee
- Lisa Dysleski, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, Co-Chair
- Tracy Richards, Psychology, Co-Chair
- Aaron Sholders, Biochemistry + Molecular Biology
- Ken Kassenbrock, Biology
- Kerry MacFarland, Chemistry
- Dave Matthews, Computer Science
- Steve Benoit, Mathematics
- Emily Hardegree-Ullman, Physics
- Tracy Richards, Psychology
- Jana Anderson, Statistics
College Curriculum Committee
- Martin Gelfand, Physics, Chair, UCC College Representative
- Simon Tavener, Executive Associate Dean for Academics
- Jeffrey Hansen, Biochemistry + Molecular Biology
- Joe von Fischer, Biology
- Tony Rappé, Chemistry
- Asa Ben-Hur, Computer Science
- Steven Benoit, Mathematics
- Tracy Richards, Psychology
- Mary Meyer, Statistics
Graduate Education Committee
- Simon Tavener, committee chair
- Rachel Mueller, Biology,
- Jennifer Mueller, Mathematics, L.Mueller@ColoState.EDU
- Jennifer DeLuca, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Deluca@ColoState.EDU
- Alan Kennan, Chemistry, Kennan@ColoState.EDU
- Sanjay Rajopadhye, Computer Science, Rajopadhye@ColoState.EDU
- Kristen Buchanan, Physics,
- Dan Cooley, Statistics,
- Sara Tompkins, Psychology,
College Awards Committee
- Hunter Ogg, CNS Student Council
- Biology Representative TBD
- Chuck Anderson, Computer Science
- Eric Ross, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Ben Prytherch, Statistics
- Tony Rappe, Chemistry
- Norm Buchanan, Physics
- Karla Gingerich, Psychology
- Daniel Mork, Statistics
- Mathematics Representative TBD