Professor Laureate Award
The Professor Laureate Award is the college’s highest academic honor, bestowed upon dedicated faculty with outstanding contributions to the missions of research, teaching, mentoring and outreach. The designation is intended to honor recipients and to provide the college with exceptional role models. The title is held for three years and includes an honorarium and two years of research funding.
2024 Professor Laureates
Piotr Kokoszka, Statistics

Olve Peersen, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Piotr Kokoszka joined CSU as a full professor in 2011, coming from Utah State University where he earned the rank of full professor in 2007. Kokoszka holds two Ph.D.s, one in statistics from Boston University and one in applied mathematics from Wroclas Polytechnic in Poland.
Kokoszka is known internationally for his contributions to statistical theory and methodology. He applies statistics to significant problems in other disciplines, notably space physics, engineering, and econometrics; including a recent project using statistical analysis to detect faults in powerlines. His work has earned recognition through a fellowship in the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, awarded to Kokoszka in 2018, and in 2023, the Neyman Medal from the Polish Statistical Society.
In addition to his research, Kokoszka is an impactful educator. As undergraduate director of the statistics department, he stewarded a new major – Bachelor of Science in applied statistics – that is available for students this academic year. Kokozka has taught 12 different courses at CSU from 300-level undergraduate courses to 700-level Ph.D. courses. His graduate students include 12 Ph.D. advisees who have gone on to faculty positions, banking, and data science careers.
His service includes participating in editorial boards for top statistics journals including the Journal of the American Statistics Association and the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. He has also been invited to sit on 13 National Science Foundation panels.
Olve Peersen joined CSU in 2000 and earned the rank of full professor in 2012. Peersen holds a Ph.D. and M.Phil. in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry from Yale University.
Peersen’s seminal contributions to understanding RNA viruses has led to him being internationally known as a structural biology scholar. His research focuses on RNA virus polymerases, the enzymes that make copies of viral genomes, and understanding how they give rise to virus variants. His work has mostly focused on picornaviruses – such as poliovirus, rhinovirus, and foot and mouth disease virus – and, more recently, coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV-2. Peersen’s work has influenced the treatment of these viruses through improved antiviral drug design and vaccine approaches. The bulk of his funding comes from a National Institutes of Health R01 award that has been continually funded for 20 years and he was recently selected for the prestigious NIH MERIT Award which is given to only about 15 investigators each year based on “stellar records of research accomplishment.”
Not only is Peersen’s work award winning in the laboratory, but his contributions in the classroom have been recognized via a “stereographic classroom” that utilizes high resolution computers and specialized glasses that allow students to visualize complex molecular structures in 3D – a vast improvement from previous 2D visualizations in textbooks. This work was recognized with the CSU Provost N. Preston Davis Award for Innovation in Teaching.
Peersen’s service includes being a regular member of the NIH Virology grant review panel, sitting on the department’s executive committee, and serving on the CSU Faculty Council.
Former Professor Laureates
Piotr Kokoszka, Statistics
Olve Peersen, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Kim Hoke, Biology
Rachel Pries, Mathematics
Benjamin Clegg, Psychology
Jeffrey Hansen, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Amy Prieto, Chemistry
Indrakshi Ray, Computer Science
Robert J. Wilson, Physics
Jennifer L. Mueller, Mathematics
Charles S. Henry, Chemistry
Jennifer DeLuca, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Mingzhong Wu, Physics
Debbie Garrity, Biology
Ernie Chavez, Psychology
Dan Cooley, Statistics
Melissa Reynolds, Chemistry
Anthony Rappé, Chemistry
Jennifer A. Hoeting, Statistics
Debbie Crans, Chemistry
Robert B. France, Computer Science
Carl E. Patton, Physics
Patricia A. Bedinger, Biology
F. Jay Breidt, Statistics
Steven H. Strauss, Chemistry
Lorann Stallones, Psychology
Laurie Stargell, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Adele Howe, Computer Science
N. LeRoy Poff, Biology
Ellen Fisher, Chemistry
Alan Knapp, Biology
Michael Elliott, Chemistry
Jennifer Nyborg, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
A.S.N. Reddy, Biology
Norman Curthoys, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Richard Davis, Statistics
Jerry Deffenbacher, Psychology
Teaching and Mentoring Awards
The purpose of these awards is to offer public recognition to superior teachers and mentors in our college and to focus attention on our commitment to excellence in education.
2024 Awardees
Early Career Faculty Excellence in Teaching and/or Mentoring (Pre-Tenure)
Matthew D. Koslovsky, Department of Statistics
Nikhil Krishnaswamy, Department of Computer ScienceFaculty Excellence in Graduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Robert Paton, Department of Chemistry
Graduate Student Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Yiqing “Skylar” Yu, Department of Psychology
Austin Ellingworth, Department of StatisticsFaculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Jennifer L. Neuwald, Department of Biology
Dean’s Recognition Award
James Cox, Office of the Dean
Kristin Berthold, Department of Chemistry Darrell Whitley, Department of Computer ScienceEarly Career Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Elizabeth Arnold, Department of Mathematics
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Katherine Hebert, Department of Psychology
Kristen Ruegg, Department of Biology
Faculty Excellence in Graduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Erin Osborne Nishimura, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Graduate Student Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Hannah Finch, Department of Psychology
Dean’s Recognition Award
Kristen Felten, CNS Office of the Dean
Evelyn Palma, CNS Office of the Dean
Early Career Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Marc Nishimura, Department of Biology
Kayleigh Keller, Department of Statistics
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Dave Matthews, Department of Computer Science
Anna Allen, Department of Chemistry
Faculty Excellence in Graduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Lisa Angeloni, Department of Biology
Graduate Student Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Maggi Braasch-Turi, Department of Chemistry
Andrew Tonsager, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Dean’s Recognition Award
Bryan Elder, Department of Mathematics
Ron Costello, Department of Chemistry
Early Career Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Jeffrey Bandar, Department of Chemistry
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Henry Adams, Department of Mathematics
Tanya Dewey, Department of Biology
Faculty Excellence in Graduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Meena Balgopal, Department of Biology
Graduate Student Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Katherine McNeely-White, Department of Psychology
Nehali Mhatre, Department of Statistics
Dean’s Recognition Award
Courtney Butler, CNS Education and Outreach Center
Julia Murphy, Office of the Registrar
Early Career Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Joseph Zadrozny, Department of Chemistry
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Joseph Gersch, Department of Computer Science
Jeffrey Hansen, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculty Excellence in Graduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Jana Anderson, Department of Statistics
Garret Miyake, Department of Chemistry
Graduate Student Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Alex Fout, Department of Statistics
Ashlie Johnson, Department of Psychology
Julie Prosser, Department of Psychology
Dean’s Recognition Award
Alicia Armentrout, Department of Physics
Korina Burn, Dean’s Office
Anne Manning, Strategic Communication and Public Relations
Outstanding Career Contributions in Undergraduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Brian Jones, Department of Physics
Early Career Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Erin Nishimura, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Kate Ross, Department of Physics
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Tom Santangelo, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculty Excellence in Graduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Rachel Mueller, Department of Biology
Graduate Student Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and/or Mentoring
Ryan Rahm-Knigge, Department of Psychology
Dean’s Recognition Award
Karen Kahler, Department of Chemistry
Ross Madden, College of Natural Sciences
Dean’s Recognition Award
Meagan Taverner, Biology
Jannine Mohr, Office of General Council
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and/or Mentoring Award
Ben Prytherch, Ph.D., Statistics
Faculty Excellence in Graduate Teaching and/or Mentoring Award
Delphine Farmer, Ph.D., Chemistry
Early Career (Pre-Tenure) Faculty Excellence in Teaching and/or Mentoring Award
Jessica Hagman, Ph.D. , Mathematics
Graduate Student Teaching & Mentoring Award
Pam Lundeberg, Psychology
Annalise Maughan, Chemistry
Charles Vollmer, Statistics
Dean’s Recognition Award
Margi Cech, College of Natural Sciences
Betty Wilmoth, Chemistry
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and/or Mentoring Award
Joseph Diverdi, Ph.D., Chemistry
Faculty Excellence in Graduate Teaching and/or Mentoring Award
Colleen Webb, Ph.D., Biology
Early Career (Pre-Tenure) Faculty Excellence in Teaching and/or Mentoring Award
Jamie Neilson, Ph.D. , Chemistry
Dan Sloan, Ph.D., Biology
Graduate Student Teaching & Mentoring Award
Lauren Bates, Psychology
Dean’s Recognition Award
Lisa Anaya Esquibel, Sponsored Programs
Heather L. Michalak, Little Shop of Physics
Robert Adame, Physics Machine Shop
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and/or Mentoring Award
Eric D. Ross, Ph.D., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculty Excellence in Graduate Teaching and/or Mentoring Award
Mary C. Meyer Ph.D., Statistics
Early Career (Pre-Tenure) Faculty Excellence in Teaching and/or Mentoring Award
Amber T. Krummel Ph.D., Chemistry
Jaime G. Ruiz, Ph.D., Computer Science
Graduate Student Teaching & Mentoring Award
Samuel T. Dunn, Graduate Degree Program in Ecology
Hillary Wehe, Psychology
Zachary D. Weller, Statistics
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Christopher G. Wilcox, Ph.D., Computer Science
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring
Shane Kanatous, Ph.D., Biology
Melissa Reynolds, Ph.D., Chemistry
Early Career Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching or Mentoring
Brian McNaughton, Ph.D., Chemistry
Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching
Elizabeth Harp, Biology
Graduate Student Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring
Sarah Morrison-Smith, Computer Science
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Shrideep Pallickara, Ph.D., Computer Science
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring
Matthew P. Shores, Ph.D., Chemistry
Faculty Excellence in Graduate Education & Mentoring
Asa Ben-Hur, Ph.D., Computer Science
Early Career Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching & Mentoring
Santiago Di Pietro, Ph.D., Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Graduate Student Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring
Sarah Warner Fitzpatrick, Biology
Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching
Francis C. Motta, Mathematics
Crystal M. Vander Zanden, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Edward L. DeLosh, Ph.D., Psychology
Patrick D. Shipman, Ph.D., Mathematics
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring
Lisa Angeloni, Ph. D., Biology
Faculty Excellence in Graduate Education & Mentoring
Donald L. Mykles, Ph.D., Biology
Post-Doctoral Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring
E. Dale Broder, Biology
Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching
Janet M. Peters, Psychology
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Jennifer Jill Harman, Ph.D., Psychology
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring
Charles S. Henry, Ph.D., Chemistry
Early Career Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching or Mentoring
Lisa Angeloni, Ph.D., Biology
Faculty Excellence in Graduate Education and Mentoring
Eugene Y. Chen, Ph.D., Chemistry
Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching
Leif Anderson, Physics
Erin M. Schliep, Statistics
Faculty Excellence in Graduate Education and Mentoring Award
Kurt Kraiger, Ph.D., Psychology
Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching Award
Charles F. Stone, Biology
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award
Aaron J. Sholders, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award
Simon J. Tavener, Ph.D., Mathematics
Early Career (pre-tenure) Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching or Mentoring Award
Mingzhong Wu, Physics
Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching
Amanda E. Sensenig, Psychology
Cassandra L. Williams, Mathematics
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring
Patricia A. Bedinger, Ph.D., Biology
Ross M. McConnell, Ph.D., Computer Science
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Lisa Dysleski, Ph.D., Chemistry
Faculty Excellence in Graduate Education and Mentoring
Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching
Tenaya L. Newkirk, Ph.D., Chemistry
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring
Gregory L. Florant, Ph.D., Biology
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Norman P. Curthoys, Ph.D., Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Adele E. Howe, Ph.D., Computer Science
Faculty Excellence in Graduate Education and Mentoring
Laurie A. Stargell, Ph.D., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching
Jacob A. Benfield, Ph.D., Psychology
Adam N. Pearlstein, Ph.D., Physics
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring
Benjamin A. Clegg, Ph.D., Psychology
Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
R. Steve Robinson, Ph.D., Physics
Faculty Excellence in Teaching & Mentoring – Early Career Award
Cameron K. Ghalambor, Ph.D., Biology
Faculty Excellence in Teaching Innovation
Karla J. Gingerich, Ph.D., Psychology