Albert I. Meyers
John K. Stille Professor of Chemistry and University Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Chemistry
- Education:New York University, 1957. Joined CSU in 1972.
- Professional Activities:Board of Editors, Organic Syntheses, 1985 and Editor-in-Chief, Organic Syntheses, 1990-1991; Guest Editor, Terahedron Symposium in Print, 1984.
- Lifetime Special Recognition and Awards:Andrew G. Clark Award for Excellence in Research, 1980 (CSU); ACS Award, Colorado Section, 1983; Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award, 1984-1985; Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award, ACS, 1986; ACS Award For Creative Work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, 1985; John Draper Distinguished Alumni Award, New York University, 1990; Who's Who in America, 1990.
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