Diversity in Computer Science
Diversity in Computer Science is meant to provide a method for interjecting diversity easily into your classroom. Representation matters, so introducing a diverse computer scientist at the beginning of each class or chapter can not only heighten visibility, but hopefully provide powerful role models for students of diverse backgrounds. Check out what CSU’s Computer Science Department is currently doing in support of this mission.
Computer Science Resources
*Bold = specific to diversity
General Computer Science Concentration
Name | Mission | Website |
Association for Women in Computing | Dedicated to promoting the advancement of women in the computing sciences | |
Girls Who Code | Closing the gender gap in tech | Girls Who Code | Home |
Black Girls Code | Build pathways for black girls and girls of color to embrace computer programming | Home – Black Girls CODE (wearebgc.org) |
Lesbians Who Tech & Allies | Center LGBTQ+ and non-binary people in tech spaces | Pride Summit 2023 June 12th – 16th | Lesbians Who Tech & Allies |
National Center for Women & Information Technology | Advancing innovation by correcting underrepresentation in computing | National Center for Women & Information Technology (ncwit.org) |
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics | Connecting mathematicians, engineers, and scientists across the world through one community | SIAM | Home |
TechLatino | National community for Latino technology professionals and students | Home – TechLatino: The National Association of Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology |
Women’s High-Tech Coalition | Professional women in technology networking within Washington DC | Elementor UI Kit – Elementor UI Kit (womenshightech.org) |
Black Data Processing Associates | Focused on nurturing and developing diverse working professionals and IT leaders – specifically African Americans | Home – National BDPA |
Code2040 | Activating, connecting, and mobilizing the largest racial equity community in tech | Code2040 |
Blacks in Technology | Focuses on Black people in the tech industry | Stomping the Divide – Blacks In Technology |
Black Founders | Increasing the number of successful Black entrepreneurs in tech | Black Founders – programs and events for startup entrepreneurs |
Digital Undivided | Promoting Black and Latina women’s ownership of their work and creation of tech businesses | Catalyzing Latina & Black women founders | digitalundivided |
/dev/ color | Networking organization that empowers Black software engineers to become industry leaders | Home- DevColor – Let’s change tech for good |
The Hidden Genius Project | Trains and mentors Black male youth in technology creation, entrepreneurship, and leadership | Home – The Hidden Genius Project |
Dream.Tech | Giving underrepresented communities access and support in technology | Tech | Dream.org |
LGBT Tech | Bring the technology gap for all LGBTQ+ individuals | Mission | lgbttech |
Out in Tech U | Providing community and support for LGBTQ+ individuals in tech | Out In Tech |
Wonder Women Tech | Highlight, celebrate, educate, and amplify women, BIPOC, and underrepresented in tech | What Makes Us Different – Wonder Women Tech |
2Gether-International | Supporting tech founders with disabilities and flipping the narrative to see disability as a competitive advantage for business | 2Gether-International |
Blind Institute of Technology | Workforce services for people with disabilities provided by people with disabilities | Blind Institute of Technology (BIT) – Blind Institute of Technology |
Association for Computing Machinery | Club dedicated to the pursuit of computing knowledge | Association for Computing Machinery – RamLink (campuslabs.com) |
Colloquium Series | Lectures about computer science with many being taught by those with a diverse background | CSU Computer Science Colloquium Series (BMAC) (colostate.edu) |
PyLadies | Promote gender inclusivity in the Python community | PyLadies – Women Who Love Coding in Python |
Software Engineering Concentration
Name | Mission | Website |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – Advancing Technology for Humanity Technical Community | Advancing awareness of software engineering and education and training | Technical Community on Software Engineering Home – IEEE Computer Society Technical Council on Software Engineering -IEEE Computer Society Technical Council on Software Engineering |
Society of Women Engineers | Advocate and catalyst for women in engineering | Society of Women Engineers (swe.org) |
National Society of Black Engineers | Increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community | NSBE | Supporting Black Engineers and Scientists |
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers | Empowering the Hispanic community to realize its fullest potential and impact the world through STEM awareness, access, support, and development | Home – SHPE |
National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering | Largest provider of scholarships for minorities pursuing degrees at schools of engineering | About Us (nacme.org) |
Chinese Institute of Engineers | Professional organization promoting STEM pathways for those with Chinese heritage | http://cie-usa.org/ |
Women in Engineering ProActive Network | Connects people, research, and practice to increase participation, retention, and success of women and other underrepresented groups in engineering from college to executive leadership | WEPAN |
Networks and Security Concentration
Name | Mission | Website |
Black Cybersecurity Association | Focused on community and career mentorship for underrepresented minorities in cybersecurity | Black Cybersecurity Association – Just another WordPress site |
National Cybersecurity Alliance | Create a more secure, interconnected world | Home – National Cybersecurity Alliance (staysafeonline.org) |
Minority Cyber Inclusion Council | Bridge the gap between industry, government, and education in order to inform the minority community about growing employment and training opportunities | Minority Cyber Inclusion Council (mcicouncil.org) |
Women in Cybersecurity | Recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in cybersecurity | |
Hashdump Security Club | Organization of students and professors who investigate aspects of security | Hashdump Security Club – RamLink (campuslabs.com) |
Computing Systems Concentration
Name | Mission | Website |
Computer Information Systems Club | Providing access to valuable workshops, speakers in the technology sector, opportunities for local involvement through CSU-related activities, and help with homework from your peer | Computer Information Systems Club – RamLink (campuslabs.com) |
Computer Science Education Concentration
Name | Mission | Website |
Code.org | Partners with schools to promote computer science interest | Learn today, build a brighter tomorrow. | Code.org |
Technovation | Empowers girls through computer science education to become leaders, creators, and problem-solvers | Home | Technovation |
FIRST | Inspiring kids to pursue STEM through computer science education | FIRST | For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (firstinspires.org) |
CSforALL | Central resource for individuals and organization interested in K-12 computer science education | About CSforALL | CSforALL |
AI and Machine Learning Concentration
Name | Mission | Website |
Partnership on AI | Community of academics addressing questions regarding AI | Home – Partnership on AI |
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence | Premier scientific society dedicated to advancing understanding of AI | AAAI Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence |
Black in AI | Increases the presence and inclusion of Black people in the field of AI | Black in AI |
Diversity.AI | Preventing racial, age, gender, disability, and other discrimination by humans and AI | Diversity in Artificial Intelligence |
Women in Data Science and Machine Learning | Support women and gender minorities who are practicing, studying, or interested in the field of machine learning | Home – WiMLDS |
Latinx in AI | Bridges communities, academics, industry, and politicians working to further resources and access for Latinx individuals in AI | LXAI (latinxinai.org) |
Women in Machine Learning | Promote awareness and achievements of women in machine learning | Women in Machine Learning (wimlworkshop.org) |
Queer in AI | Make the AI community a safe and inclusive spaces | Queer in AI |
Disability in AI | Supporting and advocating for disabled people in AI | {Dis}Ability in AI (elesa.github.io) |
Algorithmic Justice League | Organization that combines art and research to illuminate the social implications and harms of artificial intelligence | Algorithmic Justice League – Unmasking AI harms and biases (ajl.org) |
AI4All | Working for a future where diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and voices unlock AI’s potential to benefit humanity | Home – AI4ALL (ai-4-all.org) |