Chemistry lab equipment

At the College of Natural Sciences, discovery begins here. Research by our faculty pushes the boundaries of our knowledge – and improves lives. Students, from first-year undergraduates to doctoral candidates, are essential collaborators throughout the process at Colorado State. We know that great research comes from great people and great connections.


New research details impact of extreme wildfires on pine trees

Poor, smoke-induced air quality affects ponderosa pine trees’ ability to maintain photosynthesis and release natural chemical emissions.

Seven math majors represent CSU at the Joint Mathematics Meeting

For the first time, seven fully supported students represented CSU at this year’s Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Francisco, CA.

NASA internship highlight: crunch numbers for cosmic communications

Two CSU mathematics graduate students participated in an internship at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center last summer as a part of the Space Communications and Navigation Internship Project.

Faculty suggests new approach in search for dark matter through future DUNE research project

A researcher at Colorado State University has developed a potential approach for identifying and understanding dark matter using the soon to be built gigantic particle detectors at the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment

The College of Natural Sciences pays differential tuition for all graduate students on a research assistantship (GTA), teaching assistantship (GTA), or other assistantship (GSA).

College Outreach